Kri-Kri Ibex (Capra Aegagrus Cretica) is the smallest ibex by body weight than all other ibexes but not by the length of its antlers. A select few specimens which were hunted and not reported were larger than 115 cm. Gold Medal trophies begin from 75 cm (29 inches).
Presently, Kri Kri ibexes are hunted in Greece and Macedonia.

In Greece, Kri Kri Ibex hunting is available on the islands Atalanti and Sapientza as well on the mainland. The hunting season on Atalanti starts during the last week of October and ends after the first week of December. On Sapientza, the hunting season lasts throughout the entire month of November and the first week of December. On the mainland, Kri Kri Ibex hunting starts in September and ends at the end of October/beginning of November.
The two islands are not inhabited and are strictly used for the conservancy of Kri Kri ibexes. Dasarheo is the state organ which protects and regulates the Kri Kri conservancy, and each year in September it decides whether Kri Kri Ibex will be hunted depending on their numbers and health condition.
Currently, Kri Kri ibex can only be hunted with shotgun (slugs). There is an initiative to reinstate bow hunting which was allowed with special hunting licenses until 2019. Hunting with rifles is strictly prohibited and against the law.
The hunt itself is not physically straining and presents excellent hunting as well as touristic experience at the end of the Greek tourist season.
The average trophy size over the last few years since both islands were opened for hunting has been quite high with nearly 90% of trophies earning medals and more than 50% earning Gold medal.
Accommodations are organized in modern hotels as close as possible to the islands.
The hunt begins with sunrise (7 am) and ends mid-afternoon (3 pm). This period also includes the boat transport to and from the islands.
To Sapientza, the boat transfer takes between 50 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the hunting location on the island. According to the Greek hunting laws, on Sapientza 3 different hunting groups can hunt at the same time and each group receives a region based on a draw. If the weather conditions are unfavorable, the hunt is cancelled and re-scheduled for the next day. On Sapientza, hunts are organized between Monday and Thursday.
To Atalanti, the boat transfer takes about 10 minutes. This island is smaller and therefore, only 2 groups are allowed to hunt at the same time. Hunts are organized only on Fridays. Weather conditions don’t play a huge factor here as the island is protected from winds and waves quite well, making it easy to reach at any time. Presently, there are attempts to prolong the hunt for another day in the week.
Both islands and the mainland have pureblood Kri Kri Ibex.
Despite being a shotgun hunt, the success rate is quite high due to the large Kri Kri ibex population.
Combining the two islands for a hunt is allowed.
Weapons used: Beretta or Benelli.
Ammo: Strictly slugs.
Sapienca Program 6/4
Day 1 - Arrival in Athens and transfer to hotel which is approximately 3.5 hours away. Transport conducted with 4x4 vehicle.
Day 2, 3, 4 and 5 – Kri Kri hunt. If the hunt is successful during the earlier days, the rest of the arrangement can be used either for Mouflon hunts which are also available on the same island or for sightseeing of landmarks and monuments in Greece.
Day 6 – Transfer to airport and departure from Athens.
Sapientza is around 3 hours south of Athens and we recommend flying into Athens International Airport or flying into Skopje, Macedonia if you are combining this hunt with other of our available hunts.
Atalanti Program
Day 1 - Arrival in Athens and transfer to hotel which is approximately 1.5 hours away.
Day 2 – Kri Kri hunt
Day 3 – Transfer to airport and departure from Athens
Atalanti is a 4-hour drive from Macedonia and about 1 hour from Athens, and we usually combine hunts of additional animals: wolf, Balkan chamois, wild boar, Red deer, mouflon, Hybrid Kri Kri Ibex, fallow deer, etc.
Mainland Program
Day 1 - Arrival in Athens/Thessaloniki and transfer to hotel.
Day 2 – Kri Kri hunt
Day 3 - Kri Kri hunt
Day 3 – Transfer to airport and departure from Athens/Thessaloniki
If preferable, flights connecting in Belgrade, Serbia and Istanbul, Turkey are available from Athens to Skopje, Macedonia.
Our organization includes: Lodging and full board at a local 4-5 star hotel, transfer from/to Athens airport, taxes related to the organization of the hunt, assistance of a local game scout, transfer by boat to/from island, initial trophy preparation, insurance, Greek hunting license, island entry permits, Kri Kri Ibex hunting license, weapons and ammo rental, administrative taxes.

In Macedonia, Kri Kri Ibex hunting is available in a few hunting areas, most larger than both islands in Greece combined. The best Kri Kri Ibex specimens recorded in the world have been hunted on the same location. The population is natural and in order to maintain sustainability, only a few licenses a year are issued. In the central part of Republic of Macedonia, the population is most likely older than the ones of Sapientza and Atalanti which are annually supplemented with Kri Kri from Crete.
The trophy value of Kri Kri ibex in Macedonia is high and nearly 100% are Gold Medal.
The hunting season in Macedonia is year-round. However, due to the varying quality of its hair throughout the seasons, we recommend hunting Kri Kri Ibex between October and mid-April.
Luxurious hunting lodge with your own kitchen and chef, spacious and comfortable rooms, hot tub, sauna, highly qualified staff. Arrangements are all inclusive.
It is organized at heights of around 1,000 meters (just over 3,000 ft). We first observe, then search and once located, we approach the Kri Kri Ibex. The shooting distance is between 150 and 300 meters.
The process for importing weapons in Macedonia as a hunter is relatively easy and quick. It typically takes about 10 minutes while coming through customs.
Prior to the hunter’s travel, we inform the Macedonian Customs Department of the arrival date and submit a copy of the hunter’s passport as well as the type of weapon and its serial number. A permit for the same weapon is required and if the hunter comes from a country or a state where weapon permits are not issued, a police report confirming the hunter is the rightful owner of the weapon or a receipt from the purchase can be used to satisfy this requirement.
We recommend 300 win mag, 7mm mag, 308 win calibers. Hunters may also use our weapons at no cost which are of excellent quality with top of the line optics (Swarowski, Leica, Vortex and Zeiss).
Our Kri Kri Ibex organization is 5/4, 1 hunter x 1 PH.
This includes: transfer from/to airport, Lodging and full board at a luxurious hunting lodge including alcoholic beverages, services by professional hunters, initial trophy preparation, insurance, hunting licenses, weapons and ammo rental, administrative taxes, all internal transfers by 4x4 vehicles.