In Macedonia, there is an abundance of wolves despite the country’s small territory. According to recent studies, it is estimated that the wolf population here is over 2,000 which is a substantial number for Macedonia’s 10,000 square miles (25,000 squared km) surface. The biggest reason for such a high number is the large population of sheep and goats that also dwell on the same land. In addition, climate and other geographical conditions contribute to their reproduction, habitat and feeding. Over the last decade, Macedonia has become the most popular destination for wolf hunting in Europe and perhaps, even in the world. Annually, over 100 hunters successfully obtain quality trophies as a result of their hunts here. Some of the more popular wolf hunting regions are around the cities of Stip, Sveti Nikole, Veles, Kavadarci, Prilep and Kicevo.
Safari International Macedonia was the first to implement organized wolf hunts in Macedonia, and through our methodical and persistent work, we have managed to satisfy over 300 hunters with wolf trophies from Macedonia. We organize two types of wolf hunts: stand (wait) and driven hunt. Safari International Macedonia owns 6 different stands at the best hunting places in Macedonia and has two (2) contracts for big game hunts in Ovce Pole (Sheep Field), a region in Central Macedonia known for the largest concentration of wolves. Areas around the stands are supplied with food year-round and therefore, we guarantee the opportunity to shoot a wolf within a 5-day hunt. Stands are enclosed, well isolated and built for all weather conditions.
Wolves can be hunted year-round and there are no limitations in regard to the gender or size. For best hide quality, we recommend hunting in January, February, March and April. For driven hunts, we require a group of at least 6 individuals to cover the terrain and allow for shooting opportunities. Rifles: Steyr Mannlicher 300 win mag, 30-06 Browning, 8,57 Zastava, 7,62x 54r Dragunov. The hunt itself isn’t difficult and requires no previous preparation. All hunters will need is warm clothing and good gear. We will take care of everything else. Accommodations will be at our hunting lodge. The nearest stand is 10 minutes away. Shooting distances average between 60 and 100 meters.